a = aqua  dBl = dark blue   Ind = Indian  Ol = olive  Sa = salmon 
aBl = aquablue  diag = diagonal  Ins = inside  P = pink  sd = saddle
B = black  emb = embossed  L = lavender  Pe = peach  sm = small 
B-S = back-striker  f = foil  l = light   pic = picture  stk = stock 
Bk = back  F-L = full-length  lBl = light blue  Pd = plaid  stkr = striker 
Bl = blue  fl = full  lf = left  Pl = purple  str = straight  
Br = brown  Fr = front  lg = large  pol = political   T = tan 
btm = bottom  FS = front-striker  lns = lines  R = red  upsd = upside down 
C = cream  G = gold  lob = lobster  r = reddish  vt = vertical 
cir = circle  Gl = glossy  M = maroon  R-I = raised ink  W = white 
Cp = copper  Gr = green  mm = manumark  RS = reverse striker  Wd = wood 
cur = cursive  Gy = gray  Mu = multi-color  rt = right  ws =wide-strkr 
d = dark  h/v = horiz/vert  N/S = non-stock  S = silver  XL =extra-long 
dbl = double  hor = horizontal  O = orange  S-F = Safety First  Y = yellow 

10s = Ten-strike covers, originally holding 10 matches
12s = Twelve-strike covers, originally holding 12 matches; slightly wider than 10-strike covers
12-Up = Arrow Match Co. trademark for its 12-strike covers
20s = Twenty-strike covers, originally holding 20 matches
21 "Feature" = Lion trademark for its 21-stick Feature covers; these are 30-stick sized covers
22 "Feature" = Lion trademark for its 22-stick Feature covers; these are 30-stick sized covers
30s = Thirty-strike covers, originally holding 30 matches
33 "Feature" = Lion 40-strike-sized cover, but with 33 matches
40s = Forty-strike covers, originally holding 40 matches
100-Strike = covers with 100 matche.
200-Strike= covers with 200 match sticks
240-Strike = covers with 240 match sticks
Jewel = These covers are a 30-strike width, but longer length
Midget = Lion trademark for its small, 14-strike covers (3 3/16"x1 1/8")
Odd-Sized = Foreign issued covers usually don't conform to US sizes, so they're 'odd-sized'

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