[Note: membership applications
for many of these clubs can be accessed on the CLUBS page of
the RMS
web site]
- ANGELUS MATCHCOVER CLUB: California's oldest club (68 years old in 2019);
a regional club serving the greater Los Angeles-Pasadena area.
Meetings are held Jan., Feb., Mar. Sept., Oct., & Nov. Dues:
$8 (US/$10CAN), $8 (family), $14 (foreign). Quarterly bulletin,
mail auctions. Contact: Cheryl
Crill, 1533 E. Woodbury
Rd., Pasadena, CA 91104 (Tel: 626-794-0094)
- BIG BOY RESTAURANTS CLUB: A specialty club focusing on Big Boy restaurant covers.
Meets annually at RMS convention. No bulletin/no dues; initial
membership cost of $5 for cover listing and membership list.
Contact: Bob
Hofacker, 7885 Stoltz
Rd.Greenville, OH 45331-9654
- CASINO CLUB: A specialty club focusing on Casino matchcovers and
boxes. Meetings are held annually at the AMCAL and RMS Conventions.
Dues: $10. There are 6 bulletins per year. Contact: Richard Giardini, 4416 W 6th St., Greeley, CO 80634-1332
or Joe
DeGennaro; Membership
CLUB: A regional club
serving greater Connecticut and adjacent areas. For meetings
dates and times, please contact; Robert
Lamb, 308 Old Mill
Drive, Langhorne, PA 19047-1544. Dues: $5 (US)/$6 (CAN)+one-time
$1 initiation fee. Bulletins and meetings throughout the year.
CLUB: Not a regional club, it meets annually
at the AMCAL and RMS conventions. Dues: $6 (domestic), $10 (Canadian
& foreign). Bimonthly newsletter. Contact: Ellen Gutting,
10401 W. Cahrleston, #B108, Las Vegas, NV 89135
CLUB: A regional club serving greater New
York City and adjacent areas. Meetings are 1st Sunday of every
other month, except summer. Dues: $5; five bulletins annually.Christmas
party; sponsor of the 1995 RMS convention. Contact: Ed Terracciano,
481 Beacon Ave., Lindenhurst, NY 11757 (E-mail: Joe DeGennaro). Membership application available
at CLUBS page on RMS
web site
CLUB: A club open to all areas. Meetings
are the 3rd Sunday of every month (except Jul and Dec). Contact
Rousek, 944 Kingsbridge
Ct., Akron,OH 44313. Membership application available at CLUBS
page on RMS
web site
CLUB: A specialty club focusing on Full-length
covers. A new club, there is no bulletin at this time, and a
web site is being formulated for the listing of Full-length covers.
Dues are $25 for first year to help offset the cost of the web
site, then $10 thereafter. Dues will eventually span January-December.
FMI: Dave
Rutan, P.O.Box 713,
Lacenter, WA 98629 (360-513-5465)
CLUB: A regional club serving New Jersey
and adjacent areas. Meetings are 3rd Sunday of every other month
at varying locations. Dues: $5. App. 4 bulletins annually, mail
auctions, annual open house. Contact: Orvie Hoffman, 5 Gold St.,
Green Brook, NJ 08812-2509
CLUB: A specialty club focusing on Girlie
matchcovers and boxes. Founded in 1982, it has members worldwide.
The goals of the club are to (1) publish an updated, illustrated
catalog of known Girlie sets and singles, and (2) to put collectors
in contact with one another. Meets annually at RMS convention.
Dues: there is an initial charge of $60 for the spectacular catalog
and subsequent updates, and $15 annual dues there after. Contact:
Bachochin, 15731 S.
4210 Rd., Claremore, OK 74017
- GREAT LAKES MATCH CLUB: A regional club serving the Minneapolis/St. Paul,
MN area. Meets on the first Sunday of each month at announced
locations. No bulletin; no dues; only open to local collectors.
Contact Denise
Alliegro, 3702 Sun
Terrace, White Bear Lake, MN 55110. Membership application available
at CLUBS page on RMS
web site
- HALLMARK COLLECTORS GROUP: A new specialty club focusing on Hallmark Card covers.
The club meets annually at the RMS Convention. A listing of Hallmark
covers is being prepared. The club hopes to have a newsletter
when they get more organized. All collectors are welcome. FMI:
Mains, 105 Roger Lane,
Florence, KY 41042-2334 (859-525-0588) No dues as yet. [this
club is currently inactive]
CLUB: A specialty club centered on matchcovers,
boxes, and labels featuring bears and related materials. Meets
annually at RMS convention. Dues: $5. Quarterly bulletin. Contact: Nora Van
Tol, 402 Cowan Dr.,
Elizabeth, PA 15037 for an application form.
- JEWEL CLUB: A specialty club interested in Universal Match Corp.’s
Jewel matchcovers. Meets annually at RMS convention. No dues.
A Jewel listing is maintained and members are advised of any
additions. Contact: Clem
Pater, 9 Woodbury
Ct., Hamilton, OH 45013-6314
- JEWELITE CLUB: A specialty club focusing on Universal Match Corp.’s
Jewelite matchcovers. Meets annually at RMS convention. Annual
dues: $5. A Jewelite listing is maintained and members are advised
of any additions. Contact: Contact: Morris Pasternak, 51 Beaufort Hills Road, Richmond
Hill, Ontario, Canada L4E 2N2
MATCHCOVER CLUB: A regional club serving Allentown,
PA, and surrounding areas. Meets at its annual swapmeet late
fall of every year at the Morgantown, PA Holiday Inn, exit 22
of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Dues: $3 annually; 2 newsletters
per year. Contact Marc
Edelman, 8822 Hargrave St., Philadelphia,
PA 19152-1511. Membership application available at CLUBS page
on RMS
web site
CLUB: Founded 1982. Serving greater Philadelphia,
PA, and the tri-state area. Meetings (begin at noon): at various
locations; Feb., May, Jul., Sep., and Nov. Details are announced
in advance on the Liberty Bell Matchcover Club Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/1753659974867064/ , and in the most recent club bulletin.
July meeting is a picnic meeting. November meeting is our Holiday
party at the home of Fred and Pat Constanzo (Trenton, NJ). 5
great, full color bulletins & mail order auctions each year.
Dues: $10 (1 printed & 4 e-bulletins/year)/ $20 (5 printed
copies), due on Jan. 1st each year. Contact: President: Robert
Abbott ; Secretary: Sherry Sisson; Treasurer/ Membership Secretary:
E. Lamb, Jr. 308 Old
Mill Drive, Langhorne, PA 19047-1544.
CLUB: A regional club serving the greater
Long Beach-Los Angeles, CA, area, and the largest regional club
in the U.S., with app. 300 members worldwide. Meetings are held
on 1st Sunday of each month [no regular meeting site]. Six meetings
a year including Birthday and Holiday parties. They have an annual
Swap Fest end of October Dues: $5. 10 bulletins annually, mail
auctions, and special programs which encourage participation
of members outside of the local area. Contact: Ellen Gutting,
10401 W. Charleston, #B108, Las Vegas, NV 89135. Membership application
available at CLUBS page on RMS
web site
CLUB: A regional club serving the greater
Washington, DC, and adjacent Virginia and Maryland areas. Meetings
are held quarterly. Dues: $5. Quarterly bulletin, Christmas party.
Meeting dates for 2016: March 12, May21, Sept 17, and Nov. 12.
Contact: Grant
Gehringer, 4761 Parkman
Ct., Annandale, VA 22003-5046. Membership application available
at CLUBS page on RMS
web site
- MERMAID CLUB: A specialty club focusing on matchcovers and boxes
with mermaids/mermen. Meets annually at AMCAL and RMS conventions.
Dues: none. Contact person: Ellen Gutting, 10401 W. Charleston,
#B108, Las Vegas, NV 89135
CLUB: A regional club serving greater Massachusetts
and adjacent areas. Meetings are bimonthly at Princeton Station
in Chelmsford, Mass. Dues: $5+ one-time charge of $1 for new
members. Bimonthly bulletin, annual swapfest, Christmas party.
Contact: Leroy
Burke, 2 Island Pond
Rd., Pelham, NH 03076
CLUB: A regional club serving the Pittsburgh,
PA-Youngstown, OH, area. Meetings are on the 3rd Friday of every
other month and feature displays, speakers, freebies, and more.
Dues: $6. No bulletin, Christmas and anniversary parties. Contact:
Sayers, 1290 Corporation
St., Beaver, PA 15009-2544 (Tel: 724-728-4671)
This is the national
organization and is the largest matchcover club in the world..
Meetings are held annually at the annual convention, held at
rotating sites. Dues are $20. Bimonthly 32-page bulletin. Convention
features freebie tables, several large auctions, dealers tables,
games, educational presentations, and usually a tour to a local
site of interest or fame. FMI: Linda
Wolfe, 13 Creekstone
Dr., Mont Alto, PA 17237
MATCHCOVER CLUB: A regional club serving greater Denver
and adjacent areas. Meetings are held on 2nd Saturday of every
other month in Denver, Greeley or Cheyenne. Dues: $7 (individual)/$8.50
(family)/$8 (foreign). Bimonthly bulletin with many interesting
articles, mail auctions, Christmas party. Contact: Richard Giardini, 4416 W. 6th St., Greeley, CO 80634-1332.
- SIERRA-DIABLO MATCHCOVER CLUB: A regional club serving the Sacramento -San Francisco
area. No meetings, No dues. Award-winning, monthly full-color
bulletin for members. Membership application available at club
web site. Applications go to: Contact: Greg Lund, 7000 Rainswood Ct., Bethesda,MD 20817-2231
CLUB: A regional club meeting in Winter
Park, Florida on the second Saturday of the odd numbered months.
The annual Swapfest is every March in Altamonte Springs, Florida
at the Hampton Inn. Regular meetings, bulletin. Dues: $5+one
time $1 registration fee, $6.50 (family) [Membership dues are
due January 1st each year]. Contact: Bill Hayes, Treasurer/ Membership Secretary,
13553 San Rafael Dr., Largo, FL 33774 (727-470-9148).
MATCHCOVER CLUB: A regional club serving southern
Ontario. This club is an extension of the Trans Canada Match-cover
Club. Meetings are held in Hamilton. Contact Morris Pasternak, 51 Beaufort Hills Road, Richmond
Hill, ON L4E 2N2
- TOBACCO CLUB: A specialty club focusing on tobacco covers. Contact:
DeGennaro, 309 E.
87th St., #6E, NYC, NY 10128-6774. Membership application available
at CLUBS page on RMS
web site
CLUB: Canada's only active match cover
club. The club meets annually at the Trans Canada Swapfest which
is held in early May. Quarterly full colour bulletin with mail
auction. Dues: Canadian membership: $18; American membership:
$22; Overseas membership: $25; email membership: $5. Contacts:
Carol Ziegler, Membership Secretary/Treasurer, 4019 Weimar Line,
RR#3, Wellesley, ON N0B 2T0 or Morris
Pasternak, 51 Beaufort
Hills Road, Richmond Hill, ON L4E 2N2. Sponsor of the 1985,1993,
2004 and 2012 RMS conventions.
MATCHCOVER CLUB: A regional club serving all of the
tri-state: Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky. Our name Tri state Cardinal
Matchcover club honors the state bird of these three states.
Our meetings are held in Northern Ky, Vandalia, Ohio and our
annual Halloween Party in Grove City, Ohio (outside of Columbus,
Ohio). Our Christmas party is the first Sunday of December and
our anniversary party the 1st Sunday in May. Other meetings dates
vary with no meetings in January and August. Club activities
include: auctions, 50/50, refreshments, bingo, grab table and
socializing. We have proudly hosted the RMS convention in 1986,
1994 and 2002. Contact information is: Bob Borton, 2583 Wexford Rd., Columbus, OH 43221-3215
CLUB: An informal regional club serving
greater Chicago and adjacent areas. Meetings are at 1 PM on April
3, August 7, and December 4. No dues. Bimonthly bulletin, Christmas
and anniversary parties. No membership application required.
Contact: Bob
Cigrang (847) 392-8634,
622 N. Russell St., Mount Prospect, IL., 60056